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12:00 am
COMMEMORATION OF THE BOMBING OF HIROSHIMA AND NAGASAKI Sat – Mon Aug 3-5, at Ground Zero Center for Nonviolent Action, 16159 Clear Creek Rd. NW, Poulsbo, WA 98370, and at the Bangor submarine base Please join Ground Zero Center for Nonviolent Action as we commemorate the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Schedule: SATURDAY, we’ll welcome people around 10 am, and welcome Peace Walkers at 11:00! After shared lunch, We’ll go to the Kitsap Mall for bannering from 2-3. Returning to GZ, we’ll have a discussion of what nonviolence actions to stop nuclear weapons means to us . After catered dinner, there will be music. SUNDAY, we’ll gather 9:30, then have a nondenominational “service” facilitated by Kathy R, 10-10:30. 10:45-11:15, Dr Dave Hall will present update re: nuclear weapons and GZ’s part in stopping them! 11:30-12:00 Rosie Betz-Zall will facilitate nonviolence training. Catered lunch 1:30-2:45 Susie Delaney will present her plan for Mon 8-5 early morning (6 am) action at Base Gate. Practice follows! 3:00-4:30, Rev Anne Hall will lead Discernment; those contemplating arrest will be urged to participate! 5:30-6:30 Catered dinner. More practice for Monday action as needed. Music by Tom Rawson/others MONDAY, early wake-up and light breakfast. Circle for Pledge of Nonviolence and safety review. Walk to Base, vigil and nonviolent direct action, honor all, incudingl those cited, return to debrief, leftovers for lunch, Clean-up, Pack and depart. Free. Info https://www.gzcenter.org/event/remembering-the-bombing-of-hiroshima-nagasaki-save-the-dates/ or info@gzcenter.com
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FILM ON ISRAELI & PALESTINIAN COMBATANTS FOR PEACE Sat Aug 3, 7-9 pm, at New Traditions Café, 300 5th Ave SW Olympia, WA Sponsored by Olympia Fellowship of Reconciliation Disturbing the Peace is a film describing the origin and collaboration of Combatants for Peace, a joint organization of former Israeli and Palestinian fighters who were born into conflict, sworn to be enemies, and who now work together to end the Occupation and to create a just and secure future for all who live on this land. In a world torn by conflict, Combatants for Peace have challenged their fate by stepping outside their own experiences and narratives about this conflict in order to also see it from other people’s perspectives. They see that there are not just two sides to the conflict, but rather multiple narratives, just as there are in every conflict in the world and in our own lives. Combatants for Peace work together through nonviolence. Their eight regional groups, as well as a theater of the oppressed and a women’s group, are managed bi-nationally with Palestinians and Israelis working closely together. They believe this is a model for post-conflict collaborations in the region. Their work is always about direct action and is not just a dialogue group. The movie challenges all of us – to understand the narratives we live within, to look at our current roles in our societies, and to decide what role we are going to play in creating a more humane world for all. And it starts with our willingness to disturb the peace! info Regon at runsoeld@gmail.com with Film in the Subject line, film trailer at https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=294313240941811
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