Local Chapters and Contacts

WWFOR Office
225 North 70th St, Seattle, WA 98103    206-789-5565
Office: wwfor@wwfor.org  Webmaster: wwfor@wwfor.org

National FOR
PO Box 271, Nyack, NY 10960   for@forusa.org   845-358-4601

National FOR Chapter in Northwest
Global Days of Listening  (updated 5/2/20)
5515 40th Avenue, Olympia WA 98512  globaldaysoflistening@yahoo.com

Local Chapters and Contacts (those listed as “member” have agreed to be listed as contacts)
Please email any corrections to wwfor@wwfor.org

Bellingham FOR members (updated 2/6/25)
Bruce Radtke, (360) 733-7029 bwrdtk1973@gmail.com
John Repp, (206) 4709-660 jmrepp5@gmail.com

Eastside FOR member (east of Lake Washington)  (confirmed 5/6/20)
Linda Boyd 425-450-1549 Linda@iecommerce.com

Fire Mountain FOR chapter (Centralia-Chehalis area)  (updated 4/30/20)
Larry Kerschner peacepoet@protonmail.com  cell: 360-880-4741

Kitsap FOR member (updated 5/5/20)
Jo Walter 360-479-3117 littlesproutsps@comcast.net

Olympia FOR chapter  (updated 1/21/25)

Jean Gant Delastrada gantj_750@msn.com  206-501-9404

Seattle FOR  chapter (confirmed 1/23/25)
225 North 70th St, Seattle WA 98103   206-789-5565
Mary Hanson hansonmary@hotmail.com
206-528-0289 (landline, no text messages)

Tacoma FOR chapter (confirmed 1/22/25)
David Lambert 253-209-3559 lambertdavid39@gmail.com

Twisp FOR member (confirmed 1/21/25)
Dana Visalli 509-997-9011 dana@methownet.com

Whidbey Island FOR member  (updated 5/5/20)
Tom Ewell 360-632-0258 tewell@whidbey.com