Activist Google Groups
WWFOR hosts a number of issue-specific Google Groups where activists with a shared interest can exchange information, resources and organizing advice. To join, just fill out this short form with your name, email address, location, and the group(s) you would like to join. We will add you to your selected Google Groups within a few days.
Climate Crisis:
FOR sees the global climate crisis as inextricably linked to our work for justice and peace. We are opposing the proposed coal terminal at Cherry Point (near Bellingham) and work with many groups, such as Power Past Coal coalition. The Olympia FOR has an active committee, “Confronting the Climate Crisis.”
If you are interested in taking action through FOR on the issue of climate change, you can join WWFOR’s Climate Change working group by requesting to be added the google group where you can connect with others working on this issue.
Through this group, those with specific concerns will find each other and start working together on the specific concerns they share.
Disarmament & Demilitarization:
This issue is at the heart of FOR’s mission. Click this link for information about WWFOR’s project on the Demilitarization of US Foreign Policy.
In addition, we often join in coalition to address this same issue.
- In 2011, WWFOR signed an “Appeal for a Total Ban on Nuclear Weapons” initiated by the Japan Council against A & H Bombs (GENSUIKYO).
- WWFOR and many members support the work of the Ground Zero Center for Nonviolent Action, which provides a means for witnessing to and resisting all nuclear weapons, especially Trident. We join in the regular nonviolent witness actions at Naval Base Kitsap-Bangor.
- Each year, we join in commemorations of the 1945 atomic bombing of Hiroshima, Japan. In Seattle community and religious groups stage the Hiroshima to Hope lantern floating ceremony at Green Lake, which draws hundreds of participants for a moving tribute to those who died in Hiroshima and Nagasaki and a plea for disarmament.
Economic Justice:
WWFOR members are actively working to create a State Bank. Related to the BOBH campaign we are working with allies (such as Washington Community Action Network) to address social inequity.
The Western Washington Fellowship of Reconciliation ( has worked for many decades on a wide range of issues related to peace, social and economic justice, nonviolent social change, and so forth. Also, the FOR’s national level has worked for about 100 years on these. See more about FOR at the national FOR’s website ( and the Statement of Purpose, which summarizes FOR’s values (
There are a great many ways of working together to promote Economic Justice. A great many individuals and organizations are already working on this, so we will enjoy working with a variety of allies. As individuals interact through this listserv, those with specific concerns will find each other and start working together on the specific concerns and strategies they share.
If you are interested in collaborating with other people in helping folks incorporate nonviolence into our daily lives. There are a great many ways to do this, and it will be fun to share ideas, resources, encouragement, and outreach.
Racial Justice:
Historically, WWFOR linked peace and racial justice. We have worked around civil rights, police abuse and accountability, justice for Haiti. We work on the annual MLK Memorial Day march, the largest commemoration outside of Atlanta. We collaborate with Justice Works!, a grassroots criminal reform organization that is affiliated with National FOR. WWFOR members coordinate the Court Watch program for JW! and our membership is active in efforts to change the 3 Strikes legislation in WA State.
If you are interested in joining WWFOR’s Racial Justice working group, you can signup for the racial justice listserv where you can connect with others working on this issue.
There are a great many individuals and organizations already working on this, so we will enjoy working with a variety of allies. As individuals interact through this listserv, those with specific concerns will find each other and start working together on the specific concerns and strategies they share.
Ready to join?
Just fill out this short form with your name, email address, location, and the group(s) you would like to join. We will add you to your selected Google Groups within a few days.