
Would you like to provide financial support to Western Washington Fellowship of Reconciliation?

WWFOR depends upon the contributions of those who share our ideals of peace, justice, and nonviolence.  All donations to WWFOR are tax deductible. Western Washington FOR is fiscally sponsored by the Fellowship of Reconciliation USA (FOR), a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit in the United States. You can make a tax-deductible donation to WWFOR directly or online through the national Fellowship of Reconciliation, which has partnered with Democracy In Action. You will see DEMOCRACYINACTION.ORG associated with this transaction on your credit card statement.

Online donations

Donate through a secure online form by clicking the button below.  This will take you to the national FOR website’s Donation page, hosted by  (You can also go to the national FOR website directly and click the DONATE button in the top menu.)  Please enter “Western WA FOR” in the box at the bottom labeled “Special Instructions.”  If you do not indicate Western WA FOR, your donation will go to national FOR, another good cause!

Donate by Mail

Checks should be made payable to WWFOR and sent to  WWFOR, 225 North 70th St, Seattle, WA 98103

Other Donations

For information on tax deductions, stocks, gift annuities, bequests, wills, living endowments, and other related information, please contact us by mail at: WWFOR, 225 North 70th St, Seattle, WA 98103 or by phone at 206-789-5565.