De-Militarize U.S. Foreign Policy
De-Militarize U.S. Foreign Policy
The Western Washington Fellowship of Reconciliation (WWFOR) invites people to use various non-violent, informal and decentralized methods at grassroots and larger levels to:
- DEBUNK the ASSUMPTION that military violence is a legitimate way to solve problems.
The Western Washington Fellowship of Reconciliation (WWFOR, www.wwfor.org) – a longstanding multi-issue peace and justice organization grounded in principled nonviolence and grassroots organizing – created an Issue and Activity Group (IAG) to help people work on this. WWFOR offers some kinds of support, including:
- We created a listserv so we can share ideas, resources, and organizing opportunities. To sign up for it, click this link — demilitarize@wwfor.org – and ask to be added to the listserv.
- A “De-Militarize U.S. Foreign Policy” section of the “PROJECTS” drop-down menu tab on wwfor.org (You are at this site now.)
- A variety of creative nonviolent opportunities. Please see the .pdf document
“WWFOR – “De-Militarize U.S. Foreign Policy” – PUBLICITY” for more information.
The U.S.’s foreign policy is chronically violent, but we could change that. Gain new insights by watching the Olympia Fellowship of Reconciliation’s October 2016 TV program – “De-Militarize U.S. Foreign Policy” – through Olympia FOR’s website from ANYWHERE at ANY TIME. Simply visit www.olympiafor.org, click “TV Programs,” and scroll down to click the link for October 2016. This link will take you directly there:
October 2016 “De-Militarize U.S. Foreign Policy”
Next to that link on Olympia FOR’s website is this summary of the program’s main topics: (Word)
Next to that on our website is a very thorough handout (in .pdf format) for a workshop that walks you through many of the points made during the TV program. (Our TV host mentions this near the end of the TV program.) This workshop handout is a great resources for individuals and small groups to read and discuss. You can print it out and self-administer the workshop and/or discuss it with friends. The .pdf is at this link: (pdf)