New Newsletter Issue: September 2024
5 great new articles compiled and some written by newsletter editor, John M Repp! You can read or download the full Pacific Call June 2024 issue in pdf format by clicking here. [Full URL] Contents [page numbers refer to pdf version] include: Nuclear War is Imminent by Gerry Condon pp. 1-2. Gerry is a Vietnam-era veteran and war resister who serves on the Board of Directors of Veterans For Peace and coordinates its Nuclear Abolition Working Group. Read his sobering peice. Glen Anderson Presente! p. 3. Co-Founder of Olympia Chapter Fellowship of Reconciliation, activist on many justice and peace issues, died in July. He was also a prolific writer, educator on nonviolent activism, and TV producer. Trying to Make…
The Chinese Economic Miracle: 1979 to the present
by John M ReppKeyu Jin was an exchange student from mainland China who came to the United States in 1997. She realized very soon that even politically progressive Americans had little understanding of life in China. She went back home every summer so she kept up her contact with China. She studied economics and eventually got a Ph.D. from Harvard and is now teaching at the London School of Economics and Political Science. Her book The New China Playbook: Beyond Socialism and Capitalism (Swift Press, 2023) is her effort to educate English speaking readers about China and the “economic miracle” that has taken place since 1979. Read full article at /wp-content/uploads/2024/09/The-Chinese-Economic-Miracle.pdf
Private Equity is Plundering America
by John M ReppKeyu Jin was an exchange student from mainland China who came to the United States in 1997. She realized very soon that even politically progressive Americans had little understanding of life in China. She went back home every summer so she kept up her contact with China. She studied economics and eventually got a Ph.D. from Harvard and is now teaching at the London School of Economics and Political Science. Her book The New China Playbook: Beyond Socialism and Capitalism (Swift Press, 2023) is her effort to educate English speaking readers about China and the “economic miracle” that has taken place since 1979. READ FULL ARTICLE AT HTTPS//
Make a Difference in the Lives of Gazan Families
WWFOR Member D’vorah Kost writes about Trying To Make a Difference in the Lives of Gazan Families In my 5 decades of protesting war, never have I personally known and been in steady contact with the people living the war. Never have I personally known and loved whole families grappling with the unfathomable decisions of where to run for safety, who should get out of the killing fields of Gaza first while leaving family members behind, because the cost for the whole family’s travel is prohibitive. For a Gazan to escape to Egypt, they need $5000 USD per adult, $2500 per child, and someone in Cairo to have those US dollars to register them. The process of obtaining USD in…
Glen Anderson, Presente!
See details about a memorial For Glen that Olympia FOR and others will hold Oct. 18, 2024 [full URL] Olympia activist Glen Anderson died July 12, 2024. Glen was one of the founders of the Olympia chapter of Fellowship of Reconciliation in 1976, and for many years his activism in Olympia FOR was like an unpaid full-time job, even when Glen was still working in his actual full-time paid job. In the past few years, Glen spent much of his activist time producing his monthly TV show, but he still nurtured and attended Olympia FOR’s twice weekly peace vigils. Glen was also a stalwart of Western Washington FOR, and served in many capacities including secretary, membership and chapter development,…
The Evergreen Gaza Solidarity Encampment – a first-person account by Alex Marshall
The encampment was established on Tuesday, April 23 following a walk-out and rally for Palestine that began at 10:30am. It was established by students autonomously without prior planning. The encampment’s demands were drafted through a consensus-based process, and they included divestment from companies profiting off of occupation and genocide, rejection of grant funding from Zionist organizations, police oversight and a non-law enforcement crisis response model on campus, no study abroad to occupied Palestine, and an official statement calling for a ceasefire. Negotiations with administration began on Wednesday, April 24 and concluded on Tuesday, April 30 with the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding between Evergreen and the Evergreen Gaza Solidarity Encampment. As per the terms of the agreement, the encampment…
This article, subtitled “How to Know America: Compare It to Others” by John M Repp In Stephen Bezruchka’s book, Inequality Kills Us All: Covid-19’s Health Lessons for the World (Routledge: New York, 2023), he writes: “A person who knows only one country knows no country.” (p.49) He reminds us that we humans learn by comparing one thing to an-other. He was able to live ten years in Nepal as a physician. Yes, one of the very best ways to learn about your own country is to live and work in another country for a considerable time. Learning the language and living and hanging out with the locals in another country makes comparisons with own’s own country possible. … This article…
Veterans For Peace Sails the Golden Rule for a Nuclear-Free World
Veterans For Peace Sails the Golden Rule for a Nuclear-Free World and a Peaceful, Sustainable Future!!2024 Pacific Northwest Voyage In 1958 four Quaker peace activists sailed the Golden Rule toward the Marshall Islands in an attempt to halt nuclear weapons testing. The US Coast Guard boarded her in Honolulu and arrested her crew, causing an international outcry. Arrest of the crew and rising awareness of the dangers of radiation led to worldwide demands to stop nuclear testing. This spurred the U.S. to sign the Limited Nuclear Test Ban Treaty of 1963 with the U.S.S.R. and the U.K.. She became a recreational boat in 1958 and in 2010 she sank in a gale in Humboldt Bay, Northern California. For five years,…
New Newsletter Issue: June 2024
9 great new articles compiled and some written by newsletter editor, John M Repp! You can read or download the full Pacific Call June 2024 issue in pdf format by clicking here [full URL ]. [If you are on the main newsletter page, click the box “READ FULL ARTICLE” to get a live link to the pdf version of the article. If you are on the article post page the link should be live.] Articles include: WWFOR Spring Assembly 2024 p.1-2 Moving Back from the Brink p.3 Project 2025: Plans for Trump Dictatorship p.4 NO NO NO: 3 Initiatives in WA State P.5 Letters to Editors of Mainstream papers P.5 Gaza and U.S. Student’s Protest …
Project 2025 and other Plans for a Trump Dictatorship
Project 2025 and other Plans for a Trump Dictatorship by John M Repp In 1980, the Heritage Foundation wrote up a plan that Ronald Reagan asked his cabinet members to read and study. The plan helped the Reagan Administration implement its policies of increased defense spending, cutting regulations implemented by executive agencies and departments, and lowering the top tax rate from 73% to just 28% in eight years. Starting in 2022, Heritage began working on Project 2025, a plan for the next Republican Administration. The plan wants to bypass civil service in the hiring of the employees of the executive agencies and departments. They have been gathering a list of “conservative” employees. They will be tested and trained before starting…