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Nuclear Weapons: From Opposition to Abolition, 3 FOR Chapter program, Zoom
March 19, 2023 @ 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm
Sun March 19,, 6:30 – 8 pm, by Zoom
Three Chapters of Fellowship of Reconciliation, Seattle, Tacoma, and Olympia, jointly present a program meeting.
Tom Rogers will speak on Nuclear Weapons: From Opposition to Abolition
Former nuclear attack submarine commander, Tom Rogers, proposes a Phased Process as the Way to Nuclear Disarmament. He says, “We call on our government to aggressively reduce our nuclear weapons stockpiles with a goal of complete nuclear weapons elimination.” A first step would be a call on the US and Russia to dismantle non-deployed nuclear warheads. After that, Tom proposes that we Renegotiate the Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty with Russia. Next, enter negotiations under Article 6 of the NPT including all nuclear weapons states leading to complete disarmament under United Nations control. Tom will explain the logistics and details of these steps.
UPDATE! Tom Rogers suggests you may want to see his presentation handout in advance of the program. You can read or download it from our website, and you may want to print it and take notes on it during the presentation. See
From-Opposition-to-Abolition-Presentation-Handout-03-15-23.pdf (wwfor.org)
Presenter bio: Tom Rogers has been a member of Ground Zero Center for Nonviolent Action since 2004. A retired Navy Captain, he served in various capacities in the US Submarine Force from 1967 to 1998, including command of a nuclear fast attack submarine from 1988 to 1991. Since coming to Ground Zero he has provided a combination of operational experience with nuclear weapons and the willingness to use that expertise as a nuclear weapons abolitionist.
Everyone is welcome! info 206-789-5565 or wwfor@wwfor.org
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