Ranked-Choice Voting Won in New York and is on its Way in Washington

An article by Stoney Bird, explains how ranked-choice voting works, gives us some history, and explains how this is a tool for a more democratic way of choosing our elected officials.

Ranked-Choice Voting Won in New York and is on its Way in Washington

by Stoney Bird

And not just ranked-choice voting (RCV). The voters won, too.

New York City just conducted the biggest ranked-choice voting election ever in the U.S. The bumble of the test ballots grabbed headlines – but that had nothing to do with RCV. That was just human error (darned humans!) from the election officials – and it was promptly corrected. As far as RCV goes, the election was a huge success.

We know this thanks to polling of the voters both before and after the election. The question before the election was whether voters would be more likely to vote because of RCV. The answer the voters gave: yes! at a ratio of nearly four to one. And indeed, the turnout for this primary election was the most it has been in the city since 1989. With RCV, voters rightly feel that the election results will more closely reflect their views.

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